Let me guess you have started the search by entering in the best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin and Serene Clean was the main search results. We have claimed our way to the top by always providing excellent service, having excellent staff, and being able to put a smile on your face each and every time we are there to help you.

Serene Clean , The best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin offers residential cleaning and also commercial cleaning. When it comes to our residential cleaning we offer a standard clean or a deep clean which is completely determined by what your needs are. When it comes to a standard residential cleaning we clean almost everything in your home that you would like cleaned, but we don’t open any cabinets, the refrigerator, or the oven, or the dishwasher unless specifically requested. When we start to talk about a deep cleaning at Step definitely more in depth. This is where the cleaning would entail opening any cabinets, the refrigerator, the oven, and the dishwasher. A deep clean is typically a move in or move out clean. It’s significantly helps us if the home is empty as cleaning around items can add time to the cleaning that is unnecessary. If you’re able to have the home completely empty while we can be there it will save Us time which will save you money. We also offer commercial cleaning which is completely customizable to what you, your staff, and your facility needs. We have worked with multiple commercial accounts and we understand how each and every single one is completely different than the others. We make commercial account specific checklist to ensure that each time of cleaning is done it is performed correctly and timely.

When looking at a residential clean the two biggest areas of the home that most clients like us to focus on our the kitchen and the bathrooms. These are the two Areas in the home that we pride ourselves on because we do such a good job. Our quality work has led Serene Clean to be the best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin. The kitchen and the bathroom are typically the hardest hit areas of a home, and we understand and know that it is so important for our clients to make these areas sparkle and shine, especially if you plan on having company. We will always bring all of the tools and supplies needed to clean your home, we will ask if you have a decent working vacuum because we would prefer to use yours as possible. We like to do this because it prevents cross-contamination. But we completely understand if you do not have a good working vacuum and we do have some that we can bring in case. The only other thing that we ask that you have in your home is a toilet brush which much most people have but you just never know. We also have disposable toilet brushes that we can bring if needed.

Another reason that Serene Clean is the best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin is because we always follow a standardized checklist. This allows us to provide the same quality clean and hit the same areas no matter who your cleaner is. We use the checklist to ensure that your expectations are met and that our cleaners are always confident when they perform the tasks. If you’d like to view our deep clean or standard cleaning checklist for residential cleanings you can head on over to www.serenenclean.com and check them out. While you are there you might as well check out all of our testimonials and before and after’s! This will really prove to you how excellent our services are and why you need to call us today for your free estimate.

We are currently running a special here at Serene Clean. Running specials is also a number one reason why we are the best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin. We understand how important it can be to save money and with our current special that’s exactly what you will get. After you book your first cleaning if you book your second cleaning within one month of that first one, you will receive 50% off of that second Cleaning! What a deal is that! If you would like to call us to receive your free quote please call 715-204-4270. You can also fill out our booking request on our website and we will get back to you within 24 hours with your free quote.

Serene Clean also offers gift certificates! Our wide variety of services and options to receive our services are the reason we are the best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin. If you’re interested in obtaining a gift certificate either send us a message or give us a call and we will get one ready for you! All we need is the recipients name and your name and then payment for the gift certificate itself. We can either email or snail mail the gift certificate to you. You can always stop on in our office to obtain the gift certificate also.

Neillsville Wisconsin has quite the variety of population just as any other town would. We will never judge you based on your living style or who you are. We are there to clean your home, not judge you. Our staff are loyal trustworthy honest and hard-working which is another reason that Serene Clean is the best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin. We never hire based on experience. We can train anybody to do anything but some thing you can’t train his personality, And that is what we hire for! Each and every staff member gets along with each other and the clients! And it’s not every day that you can say you work for a company were literally every person as a friend.

As the best cleaning service in Neillsville Wisconsin we at Serene Clean are ready to relieve some stress and clean your home beautifully. Give us a call at 715-204-4270 today! Visit www.serene-clean.com.