You were looking for the best cleaning service in Sparta WI, then you have come to the right place for sure. Our passion is serving our community and giving our employees a safe comfortable and pleasant place to work. We have two offices one in Sparta Wisconsin and one in Black River Falls Wisconsin. We serve clients within a 30 mile radius of either of those locations. If you live farther than 10 miles away from those locations, a small trip charge will be added onto your bill. Serene clean has been around since 2019 and has grown exponentially. We are the top rated cleaning company in the area. It is not necessary to be home while you’re cleaning. Stuff is going to happen at one point for whatever reason one of us might need to reschedule the cleaning cleaning. That’s fine. Communication is very important. Call Texas emails as soon as you know that there might be a conflict and will do our best to reschedule your cleaning at the next earliest convenience.
Our cleaners will be a joy to have in your home. If you wish to not be home while your cleaner is at your house. That’s totally fine, just let your cleaner know how they can gain entrance into your house. This might be a key under a mat, a key code not an electronic lock, or just simply leave the door unlocked. If you’d like us to lock up after the cleaning that’s totally fine. Tipping your cleaners optional, but it is much appreciated by your cleaner. We have a safety checklist that we complete upon leaving every house. This includes making sure that the stove stove and organize off. Your cleaner it visually check your stove and oven to make sure that it remains off upon leaving. The next item is that making sure your toilet is not running. What a tragedy it would be if your toilet was running in your bathroom overflowed with water. Oh my gosh that would be so awful. We will also make sure that all of your Fossetts are shut off for the same reason that your toilet not running. We don’t want to leave you stuck with a atrociously high water bill. There are several things that make serene clean the best cleaning service in Sparta WI.
We also make sure that all of your windows are left his phone. If your windows were unlocked when we got there we will leave them unlocked when we leave. If your windows were locked would be found then we will make sure that they were all locked so that an intruder doesn’t come in and ruin all of our cleaning by rubbing your house and turning everything upside down that would be really bad. What time I cleared a duplex and I thought I did a really good job. It was my first deep cleaning that I did all by myself. I was so proud when I left. After I left the maintenance man I don’t know if it was actually the maintenance man but some guy came to work on some stuff and he made a giant mess of the whole house and it was a disgusting disaster and then the landlord came and thought that I did it crappy job. I didn’t do a crappy job, the maintenance guy was just a pig who made a disaster out of the house that I had just cleaned. I thought I was gonna lose my job. But I didn’t I’m still here. Anyways what I’m saying is will make sure your windows are locked and the door is locked if you wish so that case it’s like that don’t happen. Serene clean is the best cleaning service in Sparta WI.
Will also make sure your door is locked if you require it and we will double check this upon leaving. We also will make sure that all of your pets are safe. We love dogs. You have a dog and we are scheduled to clean your house you can certainly let them out. Our cleaners love the company of pets. But if you have a nervous dog or a dog that is aggressive at all whatsoever towards people we just request that you keep them locked in a separate room or inside of a kennel during our visit. We want to keep our cleaner safe at all times and keep your pet as stress-free as possible. We will make sure that the heat and air change the setting is changed back to the setting it was at upon our arrival. Serene clean is the best cleaning service in Sparta WI.
Can’t wait till we decorate those were the office. Right now it is very not appealing to the eye. We need some paint and some candles and some like a cute area rug would be cool, maybe some wallpaper I don’t know. The ladies in black and put up some really cute wallpaper at the Black River Falls office. It’s like a leaky Planty wallpaper that’s really cute and I think we should do that here because there are some walls that are like this weird tacky looking paneling stuff and I don’t know what else you do to that to make it look better besides like putting wallpaper and some kind of content paper up or something I don’t know I don’t know but we definitely need some decor because it’s pretty depressing in here. Serene clean is the best cleaning service in Sparta WI.
I’m pretty sure that used to be like a tanning place. Next-door is I like salon where they do hair and stuff. I went there actually to get my hair done for a wedding ones, they actually do a really good job. I’m kind of sad that they don’t do tanning over there because I would love to just bounce on next-door to go lay in a tanning bed for 10 minutes right about now. I don’t think that I’m actually allowed to do thatBut it would be nice. Leaving mid shift is frowned upon in most places of employment. But this job is pretty easy as you can see I’m just rambling about nothing to get the word counting ha ha. It’s like writing papers in college but even worse than that because I’m just talking into my phone and you know looking off into the distance. Call Serene clean today and find out why we are the best cleaning service in Sparta WI.